An account of several late voyages and discoveries

I ·140 AV~age mar/e hyCaptain Tafman, &c. Y car I 616, JulJ 16. for thcy having dcalt \'cry traiteroufly and pervcrfly w;ith him ; Jacoble Mair wcnt with thc Sh~ clofc to the Land be. twcen thc Iflands, and fhot with his Great Gttns along the Strand, and into thc \V oods, fo rhat the Bullets Acw through thc Trccs with a. grc.1~ Noifr., whcrcupon thcíe Ncgrocs fkd, and duríl,. not once pccp out ; but at lcngth thcy grc.-w ,·:.-rv trattable. May 1 2. in S. Lat. o d. 54 m. and 'Long. 153 tl. 17 m. N . E. V a.riation 6 d. 3 o ,,,. thcy fail'd 3.long the N. fidc ofWilliam Scoutc11's líland ; it feems that thc Pcoplc are nimbk, and that the Iifand is wcll inhabitcd, and is abour 18 or 19 Miles long. May 1 s. S. L:u. o d. 1.6 111. L0ng. 14 7 d. 55 111. N. E. Variation 5 d. 3 o 111. they had pafs'd the Cape o.f Good Hope :ind come to the Weft cnd of New-Guinea, a brokcn Poin of Land. Thcy had much variable Ca.lm and con– trary W inds with Rain ; From hencc thcy wcn Soutbward for Sera11z, and came ·on thc Nort fidc thcreof. On the 27dt of }4ay thcy wcmo through the Strcights to thc North of Boure r. Boraon, and fo for Bata'Via whcre thcy arriv' r 1 ']-une 1 5, in South Latitudc 6 d. 1 2. m. a.nd Lon gitudc 127 d. 18 ,n. the Voyagc was fini!h'd i rcn J\1ouths.