An account of several late voyages and discoveries
fqa,ards the South Terra Incognita. t ~9 Thc ncxt day they pafs' d thc Bt1r11in.l!,Mo1mtai11, and wcnt ak,ng thc Shorc W. N.1fr. Ap,.il 17. in South Latitude 2 d. 1 o 111. Longitud e t s 6 d. 47 111. tbcy thought rhcy wcrc at thc Hhnd 1\1oa.. bue je was Jama, a littlc more Eaficrly than Moa ; hm: thcy got many Coco-Nuts and othcr things: Thc Pcoplc wcrc wholly bl.tck, and what rhcy heard our Pcoplc fpcak thcy could vcry pcrfrtl:ly rcpe:it, which is a ccrtain Sign rhar thcir Lan– euagc is vcry copious in \\ 1 ords, and ditlicu!t to be J>ronounc'd, bccaufc thcy ufo much thc Let.. trr R. and fomctimcs two or thn:c times in a. Word. Thc ncxt day thcy camc beforc Moa, \\'hcrc likcwife thcy got much Rcfrcíl1mcnt ; hm:, by rcafon of contrary \Vinds, rhcy {by' d till thc 6th of Mtiy, fo that truck'd for ncar 6000 Coco-N1,ts, and I oo Bundks of Pyfanghf; 3hout rhe Bcginning of thcir Traffick on the fihnd Moa, whcthcr maliciouíly or othcrwilc., ene of our Company was hurt with an Arrow lhot by one of thc Inhabitants: "\Vhilíl: this país'd d1cy werc gettíng their Ships ncarcr to thc Land, whcrcwith this Pcoplc wcrc fo frightc:d, that f thcir own accord they brought aboard him h1t had fnot thc Arrow, for us to do wirh im what wc plcaícd, and from that time thcy ·ere bcttc:r to be fJ)Okcn wirhal, whcthcr ir ere in thdr Traffick or mhcrwitc, [o that our copie took Pic:ccs of!ron Hoops anJ tittcd thcm to Hafts, :md madc thcm fomcwhat bright and arp, and fo put thcm off for Knivcs. It is pro– ble thcy füll rcmcmbcr wbat bcfd thcm with ílliam St:outcn 27 Yc: bcforc: 'Tw~s in thc
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