An account of several late voyages and discoveries

·1 ~8 A i1~age made ~'I Captain Tafman 'difcovcr thc Land, or clfc find a p3{fagc to the Sourh. April I z., S. L1titudc 3 d. 45 m. Lon:'Í· tudc 167 a. ºº 111, N. E. V~lrfation I o d. H~rc thcy had a fod~ . n E1rthquakc.:, that all thcy that wcrc faíl: aí: .:cp c1mc up out of thcir C ;·.bbins vcry much affriglu.... d, imag·ning that thc Ship had íl:ruck upou : Rock, but c.1füng thc Lcad, found no Ground ; thcy h.1d aftcrwards frvcral Shakcs of the Euthquakc, but ncvcr fo vioh:nt as thc firft; thcy wcrc thl!n within the Stmit Hook) íbnding into thc Bight Bay of Good Hope. Aprzl 14. South Latin1dc 5 d. 27 m. Hcrc d1~y faw thc Lind from thc E. N. E. into thc S. and fo on to thc S. S. W. thcy intcndcd to find a Paífagc bcrwccn both, lmt found this to he all onc Land cvcn into the W cíl:, whcrcfon: they mrncd thcir Courfc \Vcíl:wJrd along rhc CoJft, and h:1.d much Calms. April "º· in S. Lat. 5 d. 4 m. Longitudc 164 d. 27 u,. N. E. var. 8 d. 3 o m. By Night they camc by thc Burning ]jland, and faw a grcat Fir~ come out of the top of thc Hill; of which alfo William Scouten wriccs They wcnt betwcen th is Iíland 1nd thc: Milin and faw many Fircs dofc by the \Vatcr, a towards thc middlc of thc high Hill; wh1.:nc thcy argucd this to be a populous and wcll in lubitcd Iffand; thcy had aJong this Coafi o N<nJa Guinea much C:ilms, and faw frcqm:ntl drift Wood, as f mall Trccs, Bambocs, ancl oth filth, from the Land that out from thc R: vers, which made thcm condudc that therc a many Rivcrs, and that it muft be a good Lan Th