Odontología restauradora: protocolos clínicos
Capítulo VII · PROCEDIMIENTOSEN LESIONES DE(ARIES PROFUNDAS En el control radiográfico se debe observar Si existen o no signos radiográficos compatibles con la formación de un puente dentinario en relación al sitio de exposición El estado o no de normalidad del área periapical. En el examen radiográfico se debe utilizar siempre radiografía retroalveolar estandarizada para que otorgue un real valor diagnóstico comparativo. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS 1. Al·Hiyasat AS, Barrieshi-Nusair KM, AI-Omari MA. The radiographic outcomes of direct pulp-capping procedures performed by dental students: a retrospective study. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006 Dec:137(12):1699-705 2. Takashi Komabayashi, Qiang Zhu. lnnovative endodontic therapy for anti-inflammatory direct pulp capping of permanent teeth with a matureapex. Oral Surgery,Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology. 2010 May; 109 (5):e75-e81 3. lwamoto CE, Adachi E, Pameijer CH, et al. Clinical and histologicalevaluation of white ProRoot MTA in direct pulp capping. Am JDent 2006;19:85-90. 4. Farsi N, Alamoudi N, Balto K, Mushayt A CHnical assessment of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as direct pulp capping in young per– manent teeth. JClin Pediatr Dent 2006;31:72-6. 5. Silva GA, l anza LO, lopes-Junior N, Moreira A Alves JB. Direct pulp capping with adentin bonding system inhuman teeth:aclinical and histological evaluation. Oper Dent. 2006 May-Jun:31(3):297-307 6. Accorinte M de 1, Loguercio AD, Reís A, Muench A, de Araujo VC.Response of human pulp capped with a bonding agent alter bleeding control with hemostatics agents. Oper Dent.2005 Mar-Apr;30(2):147-55 7. Mjor IA." Pulp-dentin biology in restorative dentistry. Part 7: The exposed pulp". Quíntessence lnt. 2002 Feb;33(2):113-35 8. Ricketts D." Management of thedeep carious lesion and the vitarpulp dentin complex", Br Dent J. 2001 Dec 8; 191 (11):606-10 9. l. K. Bacheo, D. Seymour,and P. Brunton ,A biocompatible and bioactive replacement for dentine: isthisa reality? The propertiesand uses of a novel calcíum-based cement, British DentalJournal2013; 214: ES (Online article) Odontología Reslauradora - Protocolos Clínicos 99
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