Insectos y acaros de importancia agrícola y cuarentenaria en Chile
~ ABSTRAer prfIVailing ebewtlere In !he Region .e no! preseot in Chile. Howevef• • ,orl8OUS USOAquaranlioe re- porta (UM 04 Inleteepltld Plan! PeIw) ha... credited 10 Chile e numbet 04 ........... ,OiGIIY iTIportant ~ eles wt1icto actuaIly' do no! occur in O\lr 1e<ri!:0f)I, e .g .. !he tuberculale 1OClIle, ~$ptI tubert:vIari:I Newsl .. lhe p!nk boII worm. Pec/Ó, oopItora gossypHJ- Na (SaunOefl), Ihe avocado setod OfOlh. 5/enoma ca/eni"" Wall .. lhot bllId< Par1IItori. tcale, Pltrlato- tia ~ (luCIls), !he ootfftfl bean~, At_ IW fa5C>R~f14 (~), !he tugar eane WMYiI . Melamas.ius ,.,.""",...a (and Al. ~l. ando abowt al, !he .aulhamerican fTu~ ny gerous Ñ!U- trepha. juSI 10 name. f_. The quarantine Implica- tions of lUCt1 abowt actions are dlKUlud: Chile is a leadlng Soulhem Hemispnere fruij exporting counlry and, 8lI 1IUCh, ~ mus! I18leguatd !he lICCU' racy of inCemalional inIo<mation 10 .voId !he appIi- caOOn of ur+.ostifIed reguIa'ory mealUfes wtIid'I jeo- pardize vade praetiee$. Qu.arantine risks thoukI bfI property »' ' '.er! la- king Into OOO"OSida<atlon!he specIet C:OOal'~, its deYeIopmenlal .raga, population densIty and !he ooncurrence ot • number 01 elCtema! lactofS Inftuen- clng their potentlallor spread. The CQn'e$POflderoce 01 !he lile ltaget wIth lU~abIe~ Iound In a new envIronrnenI must bfI consIóe<ed as an imporw1I crilerie loo' e~ from opposite He.- ~N. pfortIcuIarty when Ihey MI trfonsported Inshort sheI!- i!eproduct$ (e,g .. Mpfragus, rasp- berries) a~ In tul! winte<. '"* rf1V(W$81 of Masons is. major phy$iCIll and toiofogócel QUa- rantine i:lIl<rI8r. In l act, rt kas be8<1accepted thalfnsr.1 movements 8Cr0!l\l latitudet have a much greater eharoce 04 lSIat:oIi$hn'N:tnIlhan SouIto 10 North sprod, As Sailar (1979) kas $IaI«I, inva!Iion and nubIIIt'menI are no! necesaariIy equated with peslttaus: a QORSide. rabie poopoolioo, 04 !he Imo'oigooants a', ~kety lo be of no ....... oor,oi(: irnpo:or1ance or at most minor pesta_ The same .ult1or h., also pOinted 011' tha' QQmpa' ratively few oIlhe speeies introdUCId rolO !he United Stales NI\f8 come lrom ¡he Soulhemeone 01 South· Americ:a. Non8 0I1hes8 speeiet h.... bee<l contri- buIed by Chile, Al any rate, quarlOllne crileria wt1icto hav8 b88tI d8S ·.. oed loo' orgarisrna In or on ho$t pIW1I material ..., no! be equII'Iy appIied Ior ¡hose transportad In 1r8'5h fTu~ or vlg8lable. Ouarantine peltl are generllly delhed as tnese plan' pest organlsms eOtOtic lo a given country loo ha\f8 a ijmiled distribulion). TheH torelgn pests are preventad Irom en\Jance ...el establishment lIvough rego.¡latory me8!l<Jres. Whilst ~ al lI!I'ee In !he nalional and inlernalional ~ or 00- rrect quarantlne me.,..,.es, ~ean notacc:epl when astringen! prote0::tiv8 me8$Ur&S are apPied against organisms wiIhouI • tciet ,tilie: judgemen1 01 lhaIf peal pOIeno;:oaI ¡oppraisal, Me."""", ara $IiII much regrettaI:M when !he organisms CDralrlad _ known cosmopoIitan pesta aoct\ as !he oOOn Ihripe. T1IrPs l8bao Und. or !he European red mite. Pano- nyctrus u/mi (Koch), in d&n$ity numbers wt1icto are no! curtllling expon QUa~ly. ActionabIe quarantine InIl&Cl pesta, as <lelined by lhIo USOAlPPO ForeIgn SiIe Technicaf pacQf too- ChIle (l982). are Incl,,<led In a UsI 04 ~I II or genera compilad Irom theIr own ' ....... ds or Irom Chillan pubIica~, 111",,8'>'11' when !Doroor," support is no! readily avanable lo identi1y organisrns at!he lpOCies 00 genera Ievel . Ihen, l&mily names beoom8 regret1u11y' actionable, The "WtIen In dOUbt, k88P l' out" principie il !hus OIppIied. The de: ription, origonlll b trations, diSIribuIion, ho$t plan! ranga, ....... oornic importance, ideootillca· Iiort and • bIoIogical account 04 0\f8f 280 lnHct and mile ~III are provIded In ChapIer 111 oIlhe book. Chapter IV <leals wilh a Calalog oIlnjurlous Puta ordered by I hasl planl Index. Thls stlould be oon- liderad as an updated Ind COI1'ected verslon of previous Cataloga published en Chíle.
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