Insectos y acaros de importancia agrícola y cuarentenaria en Chile

Abstract INSECTS ANO MITES OF AGRICULTURAL ANO aUARANTINE IMPORTANCE IN CHILE Nearly 200 Insect aOO mita spedes are recognized as primary Of secondary posta 0 1 agricu~ural CO<'ICem In ehila. Respeelively . lhe Orders Homoptera end Coleoptera contribula 26 end 24% 01 Ihe total numbers whereas Lepidop- lera makes up 22% only . 1119 noleworthy the small con tflbutlon 01 !he Orders Diptara (7'%) , Hymenoptara (3.5% ) ancl Hernlptera (0.5%). Aegarding !he Acarina or m ites. lhei. contribulion ia falrly signiflcanl (nearty 10% ). N inety tour species are considered lo be primary pests. l.• .. l hose 01 dlrect concem 10 growers and genera!!y under COfltrol programs . In Ihis group !he Homoptera ranks tiral with 41 % 01 lhe total , loIlowed by the Lepidoplera with 20% and lhe Coleoptara in the third position. These !hree Orders aocount lar nearly 79% 01 lhe primary pests , whllsl !he Acarina has dropped lo 8.5% ane! lhe Oiptera has moved up lo 6 .5%. Aboul 20% 01 the aboYe prlmary are native 10 Chi le: 22% penaln 10 lhe SOulhem COne ollha Naolrop.ical Ragion . oyar 15% ara HoIardie and the rest 01 oosmopolitan sources. In 1896 the Planl Ouarantina Servica was l ounded with a view lo prevent Ihe entrence 01 the grape phylloxera lrom nelghbcKJring countrles . a successlul accompllshmenl up 10 now . Howavar, insacts 01 most ordars continuad te arrive during !he lirst hall 01 Ihe presanl century , mostly wilh !he Inlroductlon 01 plant material Irom Europa aOO Ihe Unlled Stales. Despite !he datananl adlon 01 planl quarantina ragulations that haya beun In lorce lor oyar 90 years, accidentaUy Introduced loraign spacles haya contlnued 10 Incraasa our pesl lnvenlory . A major pest lntroduction In lhe Northem bordar 01 Chile was Iha Medilerranaan lruit 1Iy, ceratitis C8pita/a (Wiademann) .. 1963: this pes!. presently contained in él Sffial1 district in the nor1hern most pan 01 Chile, represenls a heavy burden with respecl lo lru!! exporlS 10 Japan. Otilar contemporary notaworthy lmmigranlS ara Iha Ori&nlallruit molh, Cydia moNIsta (Busck) whlch enterad in Central Chile l rom Argentina around 1970: lhe large cabbage butlerlly, Pians brasaJcae F" Irom S.E. Europa or Asia In 1971 : !he blue atlatfa aphid, AcyrtOsiphot! kondol (Shinj i), in 1978: lhe cabbage Iooper , TrichopIusla ni (Hubnar) in 1982, apparantJy I rom Argentina , and the pineshool molh, Rhyadon/abuo/lanla(D & S) , In 1985 , al!lOlrom Argenllna. Chi le belongs 10 !he Neotroplcal Reglan by lerritorial connection rather than by bioIogicaJ rasamblances . Henca, a numberol SOUlhamencan Insact pasla