Comunidad del pacífico en perspectiva - Volumen 2

JAPANESE AlTlTUDE TOWARD THE PROM-GT!ON OJ! THE PACIFIC ••• alI countríes in the region, it is important that alI countries in the regíon, including of course Chile and sorne other Latin American countries, should come up with constructive suggestions and pro– posals. Accordingly, the initiative and leadership for promoting coo– peradon in the region should be taken jointly by all interested coun– tries of the region. Second, such an effort for promoting coopera– tíon in the Pacifíc basin region should carefully refrain from wor– sening political or military antagonism within the regíon. Any no– tion of politicaI or military grouping pitted against any nation or group of nations would be contrary to the interest of all countries in the regíon. Third, the whole process for promoting cooperation in the Pacific basin region should be regarded as a long-term en– deavour. requiring sustained, joint and individual efforts by the Gobernments and peoples in the regíon over the coming decades. Through such common efforts of the Governments and peoples of the regíon, let us hope that the 21st century may witness the reali– zations of a truly pacific and prosperous regional cooperatíon in this part of the world. 41