Comunidad del pacífico en perspectiva - Volumen 2
LA CoMUNIDAD DEL PAcíFICO EN PERSPECTIVA / F. Orrego Victl1ia to coordinate their interests for the prosperity of the region as a whole. Abo, the Interim Report will make it clear that the Study Group will continue to make further studies on various fields for possible cooperatíon and draw up a Final Report to be presented to the Prime Minister of Japan sornetime in spring next year. On the other hand, the Interim Report may also stress the importance of close consultations between nations in the regÍon at all levels, both governmental and non-governmental, in orden to arrÍve at a common recognition as to the need for promoting Pacific basÍn coo– peration. As one of such attempts, the Study Group might urge that an international symposium to be attended by respectable indi– viduals from interested countries to be convened, in order to reach cornmon awareness of the need for promoting cooperation among Pacific basin countries, and also in order to come up with joint re– cornmendations to Governments concerned. 5. A joint ellort 01 the nations concerned I have just explained the basic philosophy and proposals which the Japanese Study Group may express in its Interim Report to the Japanese Prime Minister. What would be the attitude of the Ja– panese Government after it receives the Interim Report? In order to answer that question, I have to speak now as a government affi– cía!' I think that most of the basic philosophy of the Interim Ré· port will be shared by the Japanese Prime Minister and Govern– ment oí Japan from now on. Sorne of the more concrete proposals of the Interim Report which may require the Japanese Government to take sorne difficult measures, such as changes ín J apanese indus– trial structure for the purpose of permittíng more imports írom developing nations in the regíon, may have to be seriously studied within the Government. But sorne other proposals such as more intensive consultations among Pacific basin countries at all Ievels will naturally be supported by the Japanese Government. Lastly, I wish to emphasize three points. First, the Japanese Go– vernment does not intend to playa leading role in promoting Pa– cific basin cooperatíon, because this is not going to be for the in– terest of Japan only. Since such cooperatíon is for the interest of 40
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