Comunidad del pacífico en perspectiva - Volumen 2

LA CoMUNIDAD DEL PAciFICO EN PERSPECTIVA I F. Orrego Vicuña tors before US, are on the threshold of journey to the future. a future which with the cOlDing of thenew day will becolDe pasto They have brought us thus far; now the baton of humaníty in our islands in the Pacific has been handed over to uso Again, like our ancestors and as with each new gene– rati-on, we must begin •.. as with the rest of mankind, our survival and welfare have always been and will continue tó be the first step in OUT epic journey". However, it is not entirely true that our founding fathers, our ancestors, did not have any external forces from other human so– cietíes and other environmental factors. It is not entirely true that they did not have any vision for the future because they did. If they did not, then we the island people would not be here today. The Pacific Community has the potential capacity to determine its own future and the universities in the region must together, in the spirit oE mutual únderstanding and cooperation, play a vital role in the development and the progress oE the' island people in the world of today and tomorrow. ·S. Langi Kavaluku, Aspirations and Goals of People: Appropriate Strategies for Pacific Islands Development, 'p. 23. 214