Comunidad del pacífico en perspectiva - Volumen 2
THE ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITIES IN THE PACIFlC .COMMUNITY expected to determine and choose their own fmure in a given is– land society. However, the matter can be improved by careful se– selection oI outside consultants iI there is absence oI local or re– gional expertise in those chosen areas. The universities within the regíon oI the Pacílic Community have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to provide consultation service to the island countries. The University of Papua New Guinea has beenable to provide its services to a number of Pací– tic coimtries which had requested it. The' South Pacific Commis– sion has been enabled by UPNG Marine Biology Research Project to organise Pacific-wide workshops at the Motupoie Island out of Port Moresby. While UPNG, USP and UOT are independently invol– ved in providing this service, there is no reason why they cannot provide the service jointly or in collaboration with some oI the ' selected metropolitan universities in the region. The people of the Pacific Community must put ¡nto practice its traditional prin– cipIes of "sharing and caring" for each other which is inherent in its extended familyhood. Resources of the regíon must be alIowed to be shared so that the general leve! and quality of life is impro– ved Ior aH. There is no reason why universities cannot assist with the developmental goals and strategies for the numerous smaH is– land countries of the Pacifico The more wealthy metropolitan Go– vernments and organisations' financial support are necessary for the purpose oI facilitating this objective. 4. CONCLUSION In concIusion, the Pacific islanders must remind themselves of the fact that they have parents, grandparents, ancestors, land, sea, water and cIear airo Our fundamental ideological basis have al– ways been with us, but we have been tempted to run away from them to establish our beginnings from other sources. Reflecting on the future oI the peoples of the Pacific, Dr. S. Langi Kavaluku had this to say: Long ago our ancestors embarkl"d on a jOllrney whkh took them from day to day, from generation 10 generation, from century to' century, and from the past to the presento At 'this moment of time, we, Jike our aneca- 213
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