Desarrollo de la Antártica

EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA ROSS BORCHGREVINK OROGEN SHIELD TASMAN OROGEN Fig. 9 Gondwana Land and its geological formations. iii. West Antarctica Geology of me West Antarctic regíon consists mainly of Ellsworth oTogen in Early Mesozoic, Andes-Antarctic orogen in Late Mesozoic and volcanic activities in Cenozoico The orogenic activitíes taking place about 200 x 100 years ago in Ellsworth area comprising Cam– brian __ Permian layers resulted in the formatíon of the present Ellsworth mountains. IT:he Andes-Antarctic orogen extending from Andes mountaín range in South Ameríca through Antarctíc Penín– sula to Marie Byrd Land ín Jurassíc "--' Cretaceous periods is charac· terized by t!he íntrusions of a large amount of plutoníc rocks. The volcanic zone through Antarctic península and Marie Byrd Land, which was formed only in Cenozoic epoch, forros a partial chain of the d~um.-IPacific volcanic zone. In addition to the above-mentíoned geological researches of the Antarctic continent, geology of the continental shelf surrounding the contment !has been gradually clarified. The carbon hydrates in the continental shelf and IDufek massif in tlhe northem part of Pensacola mountains, which is very similar to Bushveld complex in South 98