Desarrollo de la Antártica
Takesi Nagala J THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ••• ~ . .' ~ Late proterozoie ~ Cenozole voleanlC rocks ~ old paleozoic geosyncUne ~ Mesozoic geosyncline Old proterozoie ~. !llI'!l'!I'!lII Archean + ~ Paleozoic geosynclíne !llll!m!í!Ill old proterozoic ¡:. ::-.1 Beacon supergroup ITlilllllll.ill Arehean ~,----------------~v~------------------- Precambrian Geology of Antarctica (after ·Kizaki, 1973) Fig_ 8 Beacon supergroup have suggested that the Antarctic continent was a part of "Gondwana Land" together wirh Australian, Indian, African and 60uth American continems, and was located in me northern temperate zone in ]urassic period (Fig. 9). Results of paleomagnetic and paleoglaciological researches have further verified the process of the continental drift. 97
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