Desarrollo de la Antártica

EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA § 6. iGEOLOGY AND GroGRAFHY IN ANTARC11ICA As the major parts of the Antarctic continent are covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, the geological studies on Antarctica meet various difficulties. As already described in § 4, however, the bed rock topogra– phy of rhis continent has recently been approximately revealed. Tbe outline of the ,Antarctic bed rook topography is illustrated in Fig. 7. Except Vernadsky and Gamburtsey (sub-ice-sheet) mountains, CJ hl: O m ~ -1000km<h< O .. hS'.-l000km • The numerul represents the positive height in unit ot km. Antarctic BedRock Topography (after Budd. 1971 ) Fig.7 94