Desarrollo de la Antártica

Take~i Nagata I THE ADVANCEME.'1T OF SClENTIFIC RESEARCH .•• b. Satellite triangulation and altimetry As in the meteorology and glaciology, the utilizatíon of artificial satellites is extremely powerful in the A!l1tarctic cartography also. The world geometric triangulation network with the aíd of a geodetic satellite, PAGEOS I, was set up in 1966 for tlhís purpose. As illustrated in Fig. 6 the world triangulation netw'Orks comprising 45 base points íncluding Palmer, McMurdo, Wilkes and Mawson 'On the Antarctic continent are now completed. Since the error 'Of position determinatíon in this w'Orld ge'Odetic network ís ± 10m, much m'Ore precise t'Opography maps 'Of the Antarctic interior will be piUblished in the near fnture. OO·Wr-~--~------H 180 Geometric Satellite Triangulation Network in Antarctica Fig. 6 93