Desarrollo de la Antártica

Reduced Scale 1 : 12,000,000 1 : 10,000,000 1: 6,000,000 1: 3,000,000 1: 3,000,000 1 : 15,000,000 various 1 : 10,000,000 1: 5,000,000 EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA TABLE 5 MAPS OF THE WHOLE ANTARCTICA Publishing Name of map Published by Year 1956 Carte polaire Sud Franee 1961 Antaretiea USA 1961 Antarhiea (4 sheets) USA 1961 Antarctidui Rist (1 ,.., 9) USSR 1962 Antarctica (4 sheets) USA 1963 Antaretica UK 1966 Atlas Antarktiki USSR 1969 Antarctiea Australia 1970 Antarctica USA At present, the geodetic works to prepare the necessary cartographic data are being syStematically. promoted on the basis of SCAR coordina– tion program as listed" in the following table (Table 6). TABLE 6 CARTOCRAPHY PROGRAMS IN SCAR Country Scale Qf map Responsible for cartQgraphy Australia 1 : 250,000 Se 1 : 1,000.000 45°E _77°E; 108°,E ,..., 120 0 E Belgium 1 : 250,000 Se 1 : 500,000 12°E_ 32°E Franee 1 : 100,000 Se 1 : 500,000 135°E _ 143°E Japan 1 250,000 30 0 1E _ 45°E New Zealand 1 : 250,000 150 0 E _ 180 0 E Norway 1 : 250,000 Se 1 : 500,000 5°W_ 6°W South Afriea 1 : 250,000 40 0 W _ 20 0 E; 76°W,.., 55°W UK 1 : 250,000 Se 1 : 500,000 52°E _ 135°E; l!iOOE _ 36°W USA 1 : 250,000 Se 1 : 500,000 10 0 E ,..., 16°E; «oE _ 48°E USSR 1 : 100,090, 1 : 200,000 77°E ,.., 112°E 1 : 1,000,000 SCAR has 8et up a coordinate group of national Antarctic map centers, among which all published Antarctic map8 are mutually exohanged. 9 2