Desarrollo de la Antártica

Takesi Nagata I THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCLENTIFIC RESEARCH ••• snow flakes. Data from both Antarctic and Green1and ice sheets nave dearly s:hown that the '\Visconsin glaciation age began about 75,000 years ago, reaühing the minimum temperature 17~000 years ago and continued to about 11,000 years ago. According to these Idata, the world atmospheric temperature in the Wisconsin glaciation age was about 10 degrees below the present one. f. 7ihe Sea Ices The total area of sea ices (induding pack ices) in Antarctica amounts in winter (Semptember) to about 20 x 10 6 km 2 (Fig. 5) . The average 180 Outer boundary of sea ice area in March (lII) and in September (IX) Fíg. 5