Desarrollo de la Antártica
Takesi Nagata I THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ••• surement technique comprises the direct measurement of snow balance by use of stakes, and the indirect methods such as the snow stratography and the age determination of deep ice. Tille annual average rate of snow accumulation on the Antarctic ice sheet thus estimated is roughly illustrated in Fig. 4. :As shown in this figure, the snow accumulation rate in the East Anta,rctic plateau is very small being less than 5g/cm 2 /year, whereas the accumulation rate increases as approaching the Antarctic coastal line, where the rate amounts 30 I"'J 60g/cm 2 /year. However, the snow accumulation rate qn the eoastal Hne ¡,ISo considerabJ.:y different from place to place, probably owing to the effect of topography. For example, the accumulation rate is about 60 g/cm 2 /yeax at Mimy, but it takes a negative value (i.e. the ablation) at Mawson. T>he total amount of snow accumulation on tlhe W'hole Antarctic continent is estimated Fig.4 Snow accumulation rate in Antarctica in unit of grams/cm 2 /year.
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