Desarrollo de la Antártica
Takesi Nagata / THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC Il.ESEARGH ••• snow surface to about 1 km height as the lowest part of tJhe tro. posphere. d) Anta.r,ctic meteorology at present and in the future The present research programs for Antarctic meteorology are summa– rized as the significant fields for study of t'he SCAR. working group on meteorology"'. They are as follows: l. The climatolo¡gy and the general atmospheric circulation of the Antarctic, inc1uding their long-term changes. 2. The broad-scale meteorological processes over the Antarctic, their interaction with an significance in ,reIatíon to global processes, and the variations on all time scales of the size, effectiveness, and functionning of the polar heat sink. 3. T'he heat and water budget of the Antarctic atmosphere; the in– teractions among the atmosphere, snow, ice-sheet, and surrounding sea. 4. The exchanges between the m:'!sosphere, stratosphere and tropos– phere. 5. Changes in atmospheric constituents and pollutants and tJhe occu– rrences role of volcanic dust. 6. Meso-meteoroLogical phenomena, inc1uding, for instance, local and spedal wind regimes. 7. Micro-meteorological phenomena. 8. rrhe physics of clouds and precipitation. The most remarkable progress in the Antarctic meteorological re– searches on these days is owe to t:he development of practical use oí weather satellites to continuously monitor the distributions of tero· perature, douds, pack ice, infrared radiation, etc., in the Antarctic ad its '11eighbouring sea water. ¡These satellite data are currently sup– plying the overall informatíon of meteorological conditions over the Antarctic continent and its surroundíng sea in fair detail. In the future, t:he satellite-bome observation programs of AntarcUc meteorology will be much more strengthened and they must be cs– tablished. § 4. GLACIOLOGY IN ANrARcnCA. About 90% of ice over the earth's surface is concentrated in Antarc– tica, me total volume of ice and snow llhere amounting to about 2.4 x 10 7 km 3 • The major parts oí Antarctic ice forro the ice-sheet over 81
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