Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA e) Local effeets in the Antaretie, partieularIy in the vicinity of the eoast lineo d) The nature and extent of broad-seale meteorologieal processes over Antaretiea and rhe remainder of SoutJhern hemisphere. e The mutual influence between pack ice and tlhe¡ character and mo· tion of the airo f) The air flow in the frietion ar~a over the Antaretic continent. g) 'J1,he Antaretie atmosphere and the exchange of air between the stratosphere and troposhere as shown by such atmospheric traeers as ozone. The SCAR reeommendations further mentioned: The greatly increased networks of meteorolü¡gical stations established in Antaretica during the IGY has enabled a reasonably detailed knowledge of weather pro– eesses over the Antaretic to be obtained for the first time, and every eHort should be made to maintain the present seope of surfaee and upper air o'bservations, and ro inerease the network where p'ossible. In tlhis eonneetion, SCAR specifieally reeommended that "A ten year period oí observations is desirable". In addition to t'he above-mentio– ned synoptie observations and twelve item of spedal meteorological observations in Antaretiea, SCAR. made a speeifie reeommendation on the Antaretie weather eenter sueh that aSeAR. reeommends tbat Aus– tralia and New Zealand should eonsider the possibility of the esta– blishment oí an international analysis eenter in one of these two countries". Those SCAR recommendations have been taken into consideratíon in the Antaretie meteorologieal and climatological researclies sinee 1959. :For example, the Internation;,l Antaretic Analysis Center (IAAC) for weather was set up at Litde Ameriea V station during IGY, and an international team oí meteorologists engaged in making Ilhe wea– ther charts of Antaretiea and their synoptie analyses on the routine ba· siso The IAAC moved to 1M'e1bourne in 1959, and then it was reorgani– zed to beeome the International Antaretie IMeteorologieal Research Center (IAMRC) in 1965. The IAMRC is now wor,king as tlhe eenter not only for the Antaretíc weather foreeasting system but also for the Southel'flI hemisphere weather monitoring network. As shown in Table 1, almost a11 scientific stations in Antarctica were earrying out the meteorological observations even in 1959. In the scientific station network in 1975 in Antaretica, listed in TabJe 2, a11 stations, except two biological research stations and one glaciology '7 6
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