Desarrollo de la Antártica
THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AS THE BASIS IÜF ANTARCTIC DEVELOPMENT Takesi Nagata Director, National Institute of Polar Research, Japan 1. OUTLINE OF HISTORY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES BEFORE IGY Since the times of the first discoveries of Bouvet .(1739), Kerguelen (1772) and Crozet (1772) islands by French explorers and the Circum-Antarctic sailing by Captain James Cook (1772-5) in the 18th Century, all expedition parties which landed on the Antarctic or sailed near the Antarctic coast carried out sorne sorts oi scienti– fic measurements. During the 19th Century, the names as Frederiek Hassalbe1'g, Aus~ tralia, 1810), William Sm#h (UK, 1819-20), Edward Bransfield (UK. 11819-20), .T. Von Bellinghausen (USSR, 1819.21), Benjamín P6ndelton (USA, 11820-21), Jolhrnl D'avis (USA, 1820·22), James Wed– dell (UK, 18:22-24), John Biseoe (UK, 1830 c 32), J. S. !e. Dumont d' Uruille CFranee, 1837-40), John Balleny (UK, 1838-:39), Charles Wilkes (USA, 1838-42), James Clark Ross (UK, 1839-40), G. S. Nares (UK, 1 1 872-6), K. Schrader (Germany, 1882-83), A. de G'erlaehe (Bel– gium, 1897-99), and C. E. Borehgemink (UK, 1898-90) must be remembered as the leading Antarctic explorers who made various kinds of preliminary scientific researches of Antaretic and its vicinity, sueh as geographical surveys, ¡geodetic position determinations, oeeano– graphic surveys and marine biology. The first quarter of the 20th Century could be considered as the dawn of systematic scientifie researohes of Antaretica. Roblert Faloor¡,. Seott (UK) made his '2 year wintering researches at Cape Hut in Ross llsland (1901-3). William S. Bruce .(UK) earried out an extensive oceanographic survey in Weddell sea and set up a routine weather station on Laurie Island (1902-4). Ernest H. Shackleton (UK) , setting his wintering hase at Cape Royds in Ross Island, made glaciologieal surveys of the inland ice field to the South Pole, geological studies of !Mí. Erebus and magnetie measureJlllent.s at the South magnetie pole (1907-9). Roald Amundsen (Norway) carried out geographical researehes of Edward VII land in addition to his historie success of arriving at the South IPole on December 14, 1911 (1910-12). N. Shirase Gapan) who reach·ed 80 0 S in latÍtude
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