Desarrollo de la Antártica
Phillip Law / POSSIlIILITIES FOR EXPLOITATION O); ANTARCTIC RESOURCE5 is the experimental introduction by Quantas and Air ~ew Zeahnd of non-stopretum flights from Australia and New Zealand respec– tively to Antarctica. These are proving immensely popular and seem certain to be repeated next summer. Air New Zealand last summer made two flights to McMurdo Sound while Quantas marle two flights to King George V Land and Oates Land. The cost per person was about .$ 240 (A) . Another possible use whio'h has been suggested for Antarctica is for vhe storage of food surpluses. Personally, 1 consider sheer logistic difficulties and expense would rule this out. If transport in adequate amount could be found for sudh a purlpose, it would seem mora desirable that tJhe food surpluses should be carried by these ships to areas of the world where they are immediately needed. Any discussion on the exploitation of Antarctic resources must inevitably Iead on to the questions of political claims in Antarctica and of measures for protecting the iAntarctic environment. These however are beyond the scope of this papero 37
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