Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLLO PE LA ANTÁRTICA which is active in tlhe L;\ntarctíc I)verrides any differences which in dividual Contracting IP'arties tO' the Treaty may have with the ac– ceding State. States which accede to the Treaty hut do not follow through with an expeditíon to the Antarctic were not given con– sultative status under Artiele IX in order to prevent the consulta– tions of the active Treaty members being swamped by representati– ves from countries Wlhich know llothing of Antarctic practical pro– blems. When ex¡pedítions go south from nations which have not signed or acceded to the Treaty, it is important that t!heir governments shO'uld be urged to accede tO' the Treaty. Indeed, I would hO'pe that all pO'ssible pressures be exerted tO'wards this end. Unless their gO'vernments accede tú the Treaty, and tlhe subsequent agreements made under the Treaty, these expeditions will be acting in isolation: r.hey will not autO'matically receive regular exchanges O'f infO'rmaLÍon about the plans and results O'f olher natiO'ns. Their cO'ntributiún will he out of touch wirh current realities. They will not be in a positiO'n to cO'-ordinate their activities with O'thers. Nor can they expect mutual help in emergencies : an activity which has become O'ne O'f the most rewarding and satisfying cO'nsequences of the Treaty. V. FUTURE INTERNATlONAL OONSULTATION AND ADMINISTRATlVE ?tATTERS As 1 am sure you all knO'w, twO' kinds of international meeting are held by governments under the direct auspices úf tlhe Treaty: Con'~u.ltatíve Meetings (Artide IX) are held in rO'tation rO'und the twelve capitals O'f those qualified to attend I!hese meetings. These are diplomatic events O'rganizcd primarily to discuss pO'litical questions. They have usually been staged at intervals O'f two years, but this interval can easily be altered if necessary. These meetings make RecO'mmendations tO' governments. Tibe Recom– mendations do nO't 'becO'me binding until apprO'ved by all of the 1C0nsultative Governments. M,eethings 01 Experts (Recommendation Iv-24). IT'hese can be organized from time to time, as me need arises, ún any special IProblem for which gO'vernments want expert advice on practical or scientific matters. In this category, there have been some useful government-sponsored meetings on subjects like telecommu– nications and logistics. T:hese meetings can inelude invited experts 35l!
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