Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA useful device has been intrO'duced intO' tlhe affairs of the Treaty. Thist ís the principIe ol "Interim guidelines". AH the gO'vernments have fO'und it pO'ssible 10 give ril'pld approval tO' Recomendations which urge vO'luntary action during the periO'd before certain pro– pO'sals cO'me legally into effect. From the beginning, aU the gO'vern– ments have taken apprO'priate administrative actiO'n tO' put these cO'nservatiO'n measures intO' inmedia te effect. íThe diffieulties in reaching agreement O'n cO'nservatiO'n O'f Ant– arctic marine living resO'urces are much greater than, those O'n land. Artide VI ol the Treaty expressely reserves all existing rights with regard tO' the high seas_ These ínelude the right 10 fish and to nunt seals O'n floating ice. A gO'od start has 'been made with the 'CO'n– ventiO'n for the CO'nservation O'f Antatctic Seals', signed in 19i2. This alsO' is nO't yet in fO'rce because it requires seven ratifications and only five governments nave so far dO'ne this. lB'ut this agreement has becn effective in preventing vhe start of :l threatened sealing industry in the Southern Oeean. It is unique as an ínternatiO'nal agreement ne– gotiated tO' cO'nserve a resource whidh ís not yet being explO'ited. 1 want to come back to this later when discussíng possible means of regulating the potential krill and O'thcr fishing industries. :Sevelnltlh. We come tO' the most impO'rtant point; the machinery for O'rganizing internatiO'nal eO'nsultation and co-operation for tbe orderIy development O'f the Antarctic continent and its surrO'unding seas. Considering the immense difficulties, 1 think that this has wO'r– ked wilíh surprisingly little frictiún. But 1 also thínk it is essential that this machinery should be alloweU tO' evúlve to meet new situa– tiO'ns. [ will return later to discu¡¡s this. HO'wever, it may be helpful if .¡ try first tú summarize the mO'st obvious future probable economic developments for which solutiom will have 10 be devised. II. WHAT ARE THE MUST OBVIOUS PROBABLE FUTURiE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS? 1 believe that there are six chief issues which will require incre:l– singly urgent attention in thenear future. Most O'f them are likely to require coneerted intemational actiO'n if the Treaty is to survÍve. 1 will list tihem quickly and then come back to saya few wO'rds abollt lach: l. Mineral exploration and explO'itation 2. Fisheries researell and explO'itation.
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