Desarrollo de la Antártica
Ton; Gjel.rvik / Trm WORK OF SCAR FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE ••• year. This group includes twO' exptrt~ O'n Arctic and Deep Sed. technO'lO'gy, and ten scientists from the relevant wO'rking grO'ups O'i SCAR, selected by qualificatiO'ns as well a:. by geO'graphical distributiO'n. EAMREA held its first meeting in tile middle O'f February 1977 and agreed to an O'utline O'f a repO'rt w;hich it expects tO' hand tO' SCAR far submissiO'n to gO'vernments in time for the CO'nsultative Meeting O'f the Treaty in LO'ndon next Seprcmber. Because much dfO'rt from leading scientists associated with S(;!\R will be invO'lved, as well as considerable new research programmes, SCAR will welcO'me a statement that governments would be willing Lo make funds available in tille future fO'r: Long term support for the Group of Specialists, and additional research prograrnmes undertaken by SCAR nations tO' provide fO'r the necessary scientific and technical inlO'rmation required as a basis for formulatíO'n oi any necessary fllvironmental contrO'l measures. Tlle expenses for the meetings related to Treaty requests tO' SCAR. in 1916 and 1977 have been covered hy generous grants frO'm IGSU bUL SCAR cannO't-lO'O'k tO' its mO'ther O'rganizatíon for adequate continuing financial support for such activities. Thus the extent tO' which SCAR can help to clarify the cO'mplex problems facing the parties tO' the Treaty in vheir deliberatiO'ns O'n measures for control O'f pO'ssible future mineral resO'urce activities in the Antarctic depends O'n their willingness to cover the expenses ínvO'Ived. AlsO' in another important matter -the questian O'f utilizatíO'n O'f Antarctic marine living resources- the parties tO' the Treaty are IO'oking tO' SCAR fO'r scientific guidance. The VllI CO'nsultative iMeeting urged SCAR. to continue its scientiíic wO'rk and as soO'n as practical tO' convene a meeting tO' discuss current wO'rk and prO'grammes fO'y the study 0'1 cO'nservatíon O'f the rCSOUfces. Neither from a sciemific nO'r a cO'nservatíO'n :pO'int .of víew is t'he 60th S parallel significant. The ecosystem O'f the ISouthern ücean must be treated as a unity. Already SCAR had estahlished a wO'rking relationship with the Intern· atiO'nal CO'ordinatiO'n IGrO'up fO'r the SO'uthern Ocean, of IOC. SCAR ~hen decided tO' constitute the Subcommittee as a GrO'up .of Spedalists under the cO'nvenO'rship of Dr. S. D. El-Sayed, and, at che invitation of SCAR, SOOR ,\~reed to cosponser the group. La ter, a representative ACMRR of FAO joined the group, whic'h met in August 1976 lo discuss the request frO'm the VIII C.onsultativc Meeting, and frO'm the lOe for proposals fO'r appropriate biO'lO'gical O'ceanographic prograrnmes. At the invitatiO'n of úhe US NatiO'nal Academy .of Sdences, the meeting tO'O'k place at '\VO'O'ds Hole, USA, an was combined with 333
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