Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA bird concentrations by flying or landing aircraft or driving vehic1es too close (within 200 m) , use of explosives or discharge of fireanns clO'se tO' sea! or bird concentrations (wit'hin 300 m) • di5turbance of bird and sea! colonies during breeding ¡periods, allevatiO'n of pollution of the waters adjacent tO' the coast and ice shelves. Designation ot Specially íProtected Areas (SPA) , where, in addition to the measures listed aboye, the foIlowing rules apply: Prohibition of cO'llection of any native plant, excepting accordance with a permit for very restricted scie:ntific reasons, and prohibition of ~he driving of any vehícle. ¡Prohibitíon of intwduction of non-indigenous species, except in accO'rdance with a permit, and plecautiO'ns against íntroduction of parasites and diseases. It can safely be stated, that the Agreed Measures represented a milestone in the conservatíO'n effO'rts in Antarctica. Tne speed with which these comprehensíve measures were agreed to, was due to the uníque cooperaríon between a scientific organisation, SCAR J and a multinational polítical system, the Antarctic Treaty. Although these measures are not yet legal1y in force, they are adolpted as interim guidelines and have been working vcry well. In 1965, SCAR considered guidelines for tibe selection O'í Special1y Protected Areas, and later suggested a number of areas to be designated as such. tAt the fO'I– lowing consultative meeting. in Sanliago, tChile, 1966, the parries recommended the designatíon of 15 SpecialIy Protected Areas.\t a later meeting, in 1972. a new category of specially protected areas called Sites of Specific Scientific Interest (S881) was instituted and six areas designated as suc:h. At the request of Treaty governments, SCAR J in 1974, fonnulated criteria tor selection of mese, and strongly advocated management pIans fO'r each of them. By later revision and additions, and in consultatíon with SCAR, 13 areas are now designated as SPA and 7 as S881. Most O'f them are 10cated in the Antarctic ¡Península and Ross Sea areas. The Agreed Measures had also íntroduced prO'visions fO'r designatíon O'f Specially Pl'Otected Species ín the Antarctic, and in 1964 SCAR suggested that the Ross SeaI and the Fur Seal be designated in this category. The parties to the Treaty made recommendations tO' this effect two years la ter. It was the first step towards helping govern– mennts with another conservation measure in the Antarctic, the Seal Convention, foc which SCAR at t'he Iequest of Treaty governmeni~
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