Desarrollo de la Antártica
THE WORK OF SCAR FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE IN THE ANTARCTIC TOIfe Gjelsvik Director, Norwegian Polar Institute ABSTRACf As early as in its second year of existen ce, SCAR set up a working group to propose measures for the conservation of Antarctic fauna and flora. In the succeeding yean, a number oí other steps have been taken to avoid contamination ::!I1d disturbance of ~he ecosystem. Upon the advice of SCAR) fue parti'.:s to the Antarctic Treaty adopted the following measures: Agreed measures for the pmter;~ion of the Antarctic fauna and flora, including protection of birds and animals in the land are:lS in the Antarctic, and prohihition of import of alien species. Designation of Specially IProtected ¡Areas, lSpecia11y IProtected Species, and Sites oí Special Scientific Interest. Rwles of conduct at scientific stations and expeditions. The Antarctic Seal Convention, which regula tes future commercial sealing. Code for use of radio-isotopes in Tcsearch. Refutation of propO'sal for disposal of Nuclear waste in úhe Ant– arctic ice sheet. In the later years, SCAR has given advice to the Consult<l(tive Meetings under tihe Antarctic Treaty on questions related to the possible exploitation of Antarctic resources. It is an important task, w'hich is expected to last for many years, and which calls upon a11 the skills and good will of the members of the organization. :Qne of the first matters to get attention by SCAR, after it had been set up in 1958 under the able Ghairmanship of George Laclavere, was tJhe question of conservation of Antarctic fauna and flora. To the OTÍginally strictly geophysical programme were added geology and biology. At the SCAR Antarctic symposium in 1959, whidh took place in Buenos !Aires, an Australian biülogist, Dr. Robert Carrick, read a paper calling attention to the n~ed for conservation of nature in the Antarctic. At rhe closing plenary session, ehe bymposium participants included the following in their resolutions: "The delegates to this Symposium
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