Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLW DE LA ANTÁRTICA 4. Correlations of solar bursts inddence and Eartb c1imatic chan~ ges, during the quiet sun period (1975-76). These data made possib1e a previsIón, with three months in advan· ce, (14), for the extremely rigorous 1975 winter in Brazil and all South America, with serious harm to :3griculture (coffee) and otilier economic activities (15) • Based on the IBEA'S 'Ptogram of Sdence and Tedhnology (16), Bra– zilian Scientists have proposed specific projects for Antarctic studies. Sorne ,of those projects and t:he name3 oí fhe respective responsible re– searchers are as follow: l. Isotopie studies of Antarctic oxygen water (18°/ 16 0), -E. Sal– lati, CE1'JA (Centro de Energía Nuclear na Agricultura, Piracicaba, Sao ¡Paulo (17). 2. Meteorologic S'tudies Under Antarctic Influence, R. Villela, Sao J>aulo. 3. Isotopie Relations on Antarctie Soils, J. B. Martins, CBPF (Cen– tro Brasileiro de IP'esquisas Físicas), Río de J aneho (18). 4. Chemieal and Bacteriological Analysis of Antarctic Ice, R. Au– ben and V. Haertel, UFRGS, Uníversidade Federal do Río Grande lo Sul, tP'orto Alegre. These are sorne of the Antarctie hints we in Brazil are interested in, and we believe tiliat we may achieve.better results to all of U3 through intemational cooperation. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. PENNA Franca. E. Analysis of Radio– active Contaminants in Biological Materials. Ann and In.ter·Am. Symp. Peac. Uses Nuel. En., 65-75. Bue· nos Aires, 1959. 2. PINTO Coelho, A. Contaminantes Radioativos em Materiais Biológicos, Inst. Biofis. Ese. Med. Cirug. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 1960, 32 p. n. 3. MACRTA, L. ana LlsT, R. J. Meteo– rological Interpretation of Sr-90 Fal· lout, in: HASL-42 (USAEC): Envi· ronmental Contamination F r o m Weapon Tests, 327·338, 1958. 4. PINTO Coelho, A. Aspectos do Ci– clo Biológico do Sr-90, Thesis, Univ. RJ. Rio de Janeiro, 1960, 44 p. il. 5. PINro Coelho, A. Contribuigles da Bioquímica á Ecologia, in: Ecologia e Polui\iáo: Problemas do Sécull) XX, MEe-CE, 3·41, Río de JalWiro. 1972. 6. NEWELL, R. E. The Global Circula– tion of Atmospheric Pollutants, Scient. Am., 224 (1) : 32·47, 1971. 7. LLANO, G. A. -A Survey of Antarc· tic Biology: Life Below Freezing, Bull. At. Sei., XXVI (10): 67-74, 1970. 8. PINTO Coelho. A. Biological and Geological Sampling in the Antarc– tic Península Area, Antaretie J. United. States, IX (4): 109-110. 1974 9. PINTO Coelho, A. -Phycobillins in
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