Desarrollo de la Antártica

EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA and the interaction between the currents and bottom topography is planned for 1980 and 1981. Lagrangia;n A rrays Use of drifti-ng buoys is planned to: provide a description of the large horizontal space and time scale variability; determine the time scales 01 the acceleration of the AcCC and tbeir relationship to atmospheríc forcing; assess the momentum excbaIJge with the rest of the world ocean; and, monitor winter surface circulation. A pilot program is proposed for 197:8,. In this program drifters would be deployed in the ACC below Australia-New Zealand. rrhe major deployment is proposed to coincide with FGGE (First GARJP Global Experiment) . Sea Level Monitort:ng A plan is being proposed to monitor large-scale, long-term .yariability in tlhe circumpolar flow by using sea level data. This work would extend from the monitoring begun in Drake Passage (FDRAKE 75) at least through che FGGE (Fírst GARP Global Experiment) . Three new monitoring sites, using shallow pressure gauges, are iproposed: Gough Island to Bouvet Island; Kerguelan Island to Amsterdam Island; and, Tasmania to Macquarie to Scott Island. Expansion of the program to incIude stations on other islands ls being considered. Upper Layer The upper-layer temperature structure program using XBTS from supo ply vessels coupled with satellite data is expected to expand to 16 sec– tions across ¡¡he ACC between December 1977 and [\1'arch 1978. Data obtained (XBT) surface temperature, and surface salinity, meteoro10- gical) will provide a measure of the heat content at different longi– tudes and provide new information on large-scale air-sea exchange in the Southem Ocean. This work shoulú be usefu1 in defining the role of the Southem Ocean in cIimate dynamics. AddJ¡ltional Information The highlights of future plans mentioned !here have been described very briefly. AH plans being contemplated have not been included. More complete information on long-range plans is given in "IS0S Program Summary and [,ong-Range IPlans" published 4 January 1977. Copies are available through the lISOS management Office, Texas MM University, College Station Texas 77843 USA.