Desarrollo de la Antártica
JI{ctor T. Neal / INTERNATIONAL SOUTHERN OCEAN STUDlES OTHER ACfIVlTIES Theoretical and LaboratO'ry Modelling GvIodelling studies are aimed at local dynamic problems and large seale dynamics of the ACC system. The goal is to establish the basíe dynamics of flow fields in order to determine the interrelationship of the fluxes and transports in this region and how tlhey interaet with the rest of the world oeean. This nnderstanding will help to establish the role of the Southern Oeeans in long-term large-seale variability. Sou,thern Ocea.n Atlas This atlas is heing prepared by Dr. Arnold Gordon, (Lamont-Do, herty Geologieal Observatory) . Selected data are being arranged into a eomprehensive atlas in book format and in uniform eomputer– compatible formato Seleeted data eúlleeted on iELTANIN have been put on magnetie tapes which are available for loan. 1S0S 1nternational Newslette1' Brief reports of fíeld aetivities an,l pl'ogram plans are published in the newsletter. It is normally issued twice yearly. FUTURE FIELD PLANS Drake Passage Studies In 1978 a mimum array of eurrent meters in the eenter of the passage and pressure gauges on both sídes wiJl be deployed. These year long moorings should extend our time series of curren t and pressure data from the regíon tú ;provide further informatíon on long term varia– tions in transport. For '1979 a closely spaeed array of eurrent meters and bottom preso sure gauges is being planned. This year-Iong array is being designed to estilllate a yearly-mean transport through the passage and to in– tereompare pressure, eurrent, and density measurements. Macquarie Ridge A short-period array of eurrent meters and pressure gauges is planned in 1978 downstream of Maequarie Ridgej'Campbell Plateau. Data obtained froro t:he 197i8' moorings will be used to determine the im· portant time and spaee variations in the area. A more comprehensive field program to estimate meridional gTadients and momentum fluxes
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