Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA phosphate, silicate, and nitrate concentrations as well as temperature. AbO'ut O'ne-half O'f the prO'files were measured tO' within a few meters of the lbottO'm; the rest were measured tO' 1,200 meters. Chief sdentist Dr. A. !L. GO'rdO'n (LamO'nt-Doherty GeÚ'logicaI Observatory,CO'lumbia University, Palisades, New YO'rk :10964, USA) and scientists from InstitutO' Antárticb ArgentinO' wO'tked On board R/V OONRAD frO'm 2 February tO' 12 March. A tO'tal O'f 59 STD statiO'ns were occupied. Water sampling bO'ttles were used tO' O'btain data on the distributiO'n of O'xygen, silicate, phO'sphate, carbon dioxide, tritium, copper, and irO'n. XBT'S were used between station. The data were obtained to delineate the thermohaline structure of the Polar Fron– tal ZO'ne and the Antarctic CircumpÚ'lar Current. CONRAD and ~sLAS ORGAlDAS rendezvoused near 57°S, 55 0 W, wihere STD and XBT stations were taken every 16 km alO'ng north-south sections in order tO' study the three dimensiO'nal thermal structure of the polar front. CONRAD was also used to take stations at the bO'undary (cO'mmonly referred to as the Weddell-Scotia Confluence) between Pacific-derived water and water from the western Weddell Sea. WO'lik O'n board R/"!o" MELYILLE was under ehe directiO'n of nr. W. D. NO'wlin, Jr. (Department of Oceanography, Texas MM University, CO'llege StatiO'n, Texas nSL43, lUSA) with participatíng sclentists hom Oregon S'tate University, Scripps :Institution of Oceanography, Ins– titutO' HidrogIláfico de la Armada de 'Chile, and Servicio HidrO'grá– fico Naval de Argentina. MELVILLE woliked in rhe Drake Passage and western Scotia Sea region from 19 February to 31 MarGh. Five crO'ssin¡gs O'f Drake 'P'assagewere made. Fifteen current meter moorings and four internally-recording tide gauges were deplO'yed in Drake Passage. The instrument cO'nfiguration consisted of 43 Current meters (2'7 of whidh contained temperature recorders) . Seven of the current meter mO'orings and two tide gauges were retrieved between three and four weeks after deplO'yment. The remaining eight current meter moorings and two pressure gauges were left in place to obtain year-Iong records. AH of the 24 short-term current meters were recovered; 121 gave gO'O'd records for the full time, 1 yielded a 6-day record, 1 yielded a 70-hO'ur record, and 1 failed completely. Of the 16 s'hort-term temperature recorders, 14 produced good records, but only 1 (near Cape HO'rn) of the 2 short– term tide gauges produceda good record. Ninety hydrographic stations were obtained from MELVILLE, 63 oE which inc1uded both STD and standard sampling botde casts. In addiüon tO' temperature and salinity data, samples for oxygen, silicate,
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