Desarrollo de la Antártica

EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANJ'ARTlCA Antaretie Research Programme and the local restrictions to be observed by a11 visiting tourist groups. 4. Normal courtesies will be extended to tourists, but operational limitations within Antaretica will restrict such counesies and eom– mon services. 5. Sinee the tour group must be entirely self-sufficient the New Zealand Government will not ¡be required to assist with transportation, operational support, food or Shelter. Such support and assistanee will be provided only in an emergeney situation. Reimbursement by the tour o:rganisers will be required where goods and services are furnished beyond a 'humanitarian assistanee and reseue situation. 6. The safety of a11 members of ª tourist party is the responsi– bility of the tour organiser. Whilst aH reasona'ble preeautions will be taken to ensure the safety of tourists visiting New Zealand bases, the New Zeal<md Government will not aeeept any liability for aecident or injury sustained by tourists at any time within Ant– aretica. 7. Designated "Scienee Arcas" are out of bounds to tourists unless they are guided through sudl areas as part of an organised visitor group and aceompanied by an official from Scott Base. S. Alrhough SCO'tt Base is designed for male only living, arrangements may be made for women to aeeompany tourist groups that may be provided with an organised tour of certain areas of the base. 9. Post Office facilities at Scott Base will be available for use by tourists. Under existing cireumstanees, these facilities are limited and hours of business restricted. Leader, Seott Base, should reeeive prior notiee from the tour leader detailing numbers of persons desiring to use these facilities at any time other than during an organised visito ip'ermission granted by the Leader, Scott Base, in these cireumstanees does not entitle tourists to visit any other part of the base. 10. Any ",isits of station personnel to the expedition ship can only 'be arranged through the Leader, Seott Base. 11. In tibe event of any member of the tourist group. or the group as a whole not eomplying with any of the eonditions applieable in the aboye, the Leader, Seott Base, will cancel all arrangements made with the tour leader. 294