Desarrollo de la Antártica

R. B. Thomson / TRANSPÜRT AND TOURISM IN ANTARCTlC DEVELOl'MENT rritories". In the case oí tourist expeditions, spedal notice must also be given to any other Govemment whose station the expedition plans to visito AF1PROVAL IN PRINCIPLE Tú VISIT NEW ZEALAND STATIONS Approval ín principIe, by tlhe New Zealand Govemment through the Superintendent, Antarctic Division, D.SJ.R., to visit New Zealand stations (including historie llUts) would require: a) Evidence that a plOposed tourist expedition is entirely self-sup– porting, that adequate safety precautions are being undertaken, and that úhe tour organisers show and accept a strict sense of responsibility; b) Assurances that the tourist organisers will comply wiúh the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty, the recomendations of con– sultative meetings that are effective, the agreed measures for the conservation of Antarctic fauna and flora, and the conditions applicable at stations to ,be visited. CONDITlONS ApPLICABLE TO TOURIST GROUIPS VISITING NEW ZEALANiD ANTARCTIC STATlONS Leader, Scott Base, will be responsible for finalising details of visits to New Zealand stations, historic huts, and scÍence areas once New Zealand Govemment approval in principIe through Super– intendent, íAntarctic Division, D's;1:.R., has been given. The Leader, Scott ¡B:ase, is not permitted to approve a visit without New Zealand Govemment approval in principIe. T:he following specific conditions will normally apply, but may be amended or added to as necessary in specific circumstances. l. Leader, rScott Base, must receíve a mínimum of six hours and maximum of twenty·four hours prior notÍce of a proposed visit to a New Zealand base, ¡historie hut, or science area. He wouId then advise the tour leader whether sudh a visit at the time requested is permissíble. 12. The number and Ienght of 'VISltS by any tourist expeditíon will be limited. Leader, Scott Base, will determine these limits depending on the situation at Scott Base at that particular time. 3. At the commencement of the agreed visit, Leader, Seott Base, will brief tourist gr')ups on various aspects of the New ZeaIand 293