Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLW DE LA ANTÁRTICA ayer Sub Antarctic !lslands and with 3-4 hours over the continent Such flights wit!h long range "Jumbo" aircraft provide the necessary high degree oí safety and have no e{{ect on tIle Antarctic environ– ment, Passengers were weU pleased with their sight seeing so it would seem many more similar flights will be made in the future. Future development of tourism in Antarctica is likely to be slow, linked closely with improvements in various forms of transporta– tion, the provision or availability oE aclequate facilities on ~he con– tinent and the economics of such ventures. Meanwhile, Antarctic Treaty Countries will be looking more closely at the likely effect5 of future tourist groups, tlhe problems of jurisdiction, and possibly selecting special sites of tourist intrrest wihere visitors may go in comparative safety but with minimal likely effect on scientific pro– grammes or the delicate envíronment oí Antarctica. ApPENDIX 1 POLICY STATEMENT ON THE ROLE OF NEW ZEALAND IN TOU:RIST EXPEDITIONS TO ANTI-'\RCTICA INTR!ÜDUCTION l. The New Zealand Govemment does not control the access of ships into Antarctic waters for peaceful purposes. 2. The iNíew Zealand Government does exercise control on whe– ther and under what conditions tourists may visit any New Zealand bases in Antarctica. 3. Under the An tarctic Act 1960, the New Zealand Governmen t has fuU jurísdíction 0ver its natíonals in the Ross Dependency. This jurísdíction is exercised by the senior N ew Zealancl official in the Dependency, usuaUy the Leader, Scott Base. 4. Under ehe Antarctic Treaty, t'he New Zealand Government is responsible to ensure as far as possihle that persons visiting Ant– arctíca comply with the provísíons of the Antarctic Treaty, the recommendations .of consultative meetings that are effective, and the agreed measures for the conservatíon of Antarctic fauna and flora. 5. Under the Antarctic Treaty, the New Zealand Govemment ís required to inform the other ContractingParties, ín advance, Df "all expeditions to and withín Antarctíc, Dn the part Df its ships or na– "tionals, and of expeditions organised ín and proceeding from its te-
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