Desarrollo de la Antártica
Ó!o.v Or/¡eeim I NORWEGIAN ANTARCTIC RESEARCH, PAST ANO PRESENT ís planned tO. transmit: infOTmationon air and ground temperatures it.8 intervals of one year. T:he data are received -by the NIMBUS-6 satellite: and ttansmittéd to USA and then' to Norway. '. ' The shore parties u~ed four snowmobiles for transport; and tiliey travelled a ~oníbined total of about7,OOO km during the fieldseason. . ~.. Whereas theland prográmme wás in many respects a, tráditional forÍl;t' for Antarctic research; the, shipboard programme introduced sorue new techniques and instruments' to the Wed~ell Sea and in sorne cases to ,the, Antarctic; The main programmes were in oceanography , and marine geophysits, with srnalIerstudies of marine geology, marine biology, sea ice, and oÍt'he ice shelf. Groups from several Norwegíati research ol1,ganizations andtiniversities' contriblited with personncl and equipment to ,outfit "Polaisirkel'; to become a very modern mobile laboratory. Fig.. lshows "Pola!sirkel" 'andFig. 2shows the ship trackandthe research done in the WeddeIl Sea' and in Dronning Maud Land. . ' Fig. 1: :'Polarsii:kel": bréákin'g 'the .fast 'ice ;by the 'ice shelfpriorto placing the lánd plirt)' ashore. ',,' ' '
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