Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA research in the Weddell Sea. But not until last year was Norway again able to send its own índependent expedition. The 1976/77 Norwegian Antarctzc Research Expedition As before the expedition was organized and 1ed by Norsk IPiolarins– tittut, wíth the author as expediríon leader. The expedition ship was M/S "iP'olarsírikel", a Norwegian icebreaker/sealer built in 1976. She leh Norway in late N'ovember, 1976, and returned to Norway at the end of March, 197>7. The expedition consisted of 21 Norwegian scientists, one visiting Argentíne scientist, and a two-man film crew. Duríng tlhe months of January and February the scientists conducted research in the Weddell Sea and on Dronning !Maud Land, working as two separate parties, a land party and a shipboard party. The land progmmme Níne sdentists worked ashore during the expeditíon. Five worked on Riíser-Larsenisen, ín part conducting meteorologic studies at the base camp, and in part conducting glaciologic studies at various localitie.s on the ice shelf. The base was named ICamp Nonvay 3, and was located at 72°19'S and 16°18'W. The meteorologic studies were aimed at a better understanding of the air circulation just aboye and just below the snow/ air interface. TIhe gladologic studies included establishment of stakes for repeated measurements of ice movement and accumulatiou, and collection of ice cores and other snow samples for later laboratory studíes and chemical content of the snow. The latter work will give information on climatic trends and on evolution of global atmospheric pollution. Four scientists worked in Vestfjella, establishiug their base, Camp Norway 4, at 73°44'S, I4°46'W, about 160 'km inland from the Camp Norway 3. Three of them studied the geology and paleomagnetism oí the mountain group to develop the history of the volcanic events and to relate these rocks to other rocks in Antarctica and other part.s of Gondwanaland, the old supercontinent. The fourth scientist studied the cold adaptation of collembola and mites, and brought mites alive back to Norway for further laboratory studies. He also collected bird samples for laboratory studies of environment3.1 toxico1ogy. One automatic weather station was established in Vestfjella. This
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