Desarrollo de la Antártica

Takesi Nagata / THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENTlFIC RESEARCH ..• SELECTED REFERENCES Annals of the International Geophysí– cal Year. Vo!. 44. "Antarctic" (1967). Pergamon Prel!S, Oxford. p. 201. "SCAR Manual" 2nd. ed. (1972) p. 127. DALRYMPLE, P. C. (1966). A physical climatology of the Antarctic Plateau. "Studies on Antarctic Meteorology", ed. M. 1- Rubin. Amer. Geophys. Union, Washington D. C., 195-235. RUBIN, M. J. and W. S. WEYANT (1965) . Antarctic Meteorology "Ant– arctica", ed. T. Hatherton, Matheu Prcss, London. Atlas Antarktiki (1966). Akad. Nauk. USSR. 225 figures. Atlas Antarktiki 11 (1969). Akad. Nauk. USSR. p. 598. BARKOV, N. 1- (1971). "Antarctic ice shelves", "Hidrometeoizdat", Lenin– grado p. 226. BUDIl, W. F. (1969). The dynamics 01 ice masses. ANARE Sci. Rep. Pub!. NQ 108. p. 216. BULl., C. (1971). Snow accumulation in '1\.ñfarctica "Research in the Ant– arctic", ed. L. O. Quam. 364-421. Gow. A. J. (1963). The inner structure of the Ross Ice·Shelf at Little America V, Antarctica, as revealed by deep core drilling. IASH. Pub!. NQ 61. 272-284. LoEWE, F. (1969). The water budget in Antarctica. Proc. Sump. Pacific– Antarctic Sci., Tokyo. 101-110. TRANSHNIKiOV, A. F. (1969). The ice of the Southern Ocean. Proc. Sy:np. Pacific-Antarctic Sei., Tokyo. 113- 123. LAMBER:r, B. P. (1967). Report on geodetic and cartographic activities, 1960-65. SCAR Bull. N0 26. ADIE, R. J. (ed.) (1964). "Antarctic Geology". North-Holland. Pub!. Co., Amsterdam. 535. ADIE, R. 1- (ed.) (1972). "Antarctic Geology and Geophysics". Univer– sitetsorlogt, Oslo. p. 876. ZHI\AOO, A. L. (1969). Bottom morph– ology and tectonics of the Southern Ocean. Proc. Symp. Pacific-Ant– arctic Sci., Tokyo. 124-135. U. S. Oceanographic OUice (1957) • Oceanographic atlas of the polar seas. Part 1. Antarctic. AKASOFU, S. I. (1966) . "Polar and Magnetospheric Substorms". D. Reí– del Pub!. Co Dordracht. p. 280. CHAPMAN, S. and S. I. AKASOFU (1972). "Solar Terrestrial Physics", Oxford Univ. Press., Oxford, p. 901. NAGATA, T. (1971). Austral substrom•. IAGA Bul!. NQ 31. 9-40. NAGATA, T. (1975). Auroral fiares and so~r fiares. Space. Sei. Rev. 17. 205- 220. EDHOLM, o. G. and E. K. E. GUNDEiIS'J!\I (ed.) (1973). Polar Human Biolo6}'. William Heincman Medial Books Ltd.,. Sussex. p. 443. EL-SAYED, S. Z. (1970) . On the productivity of the Southern Ocean. "Antarctic Ecology 1" (ed.). M. W. Holdgate, Academic Press. 119-135. HOLDGATE, M. W. (1964). Terrestrial ecology in the maritime Antarctic. "Biologie Antarctique" (ed.). R. Carrick. M. W. Holdgate and J. Prévost. Hermann. Paris. 181-193. KNOX, G. A. (1970). Antarctic marine ecosystem. "Antarctic Ecology l·' (ed.) , M. W. Holdgate, Academic Pl'ess. 70-96. LAMb, I. M. (1970). Antarctic terres– trial vegetation and its ecology, "Antarctic Ecology 2" (ed.). M. W. Holdgate. Academic Press. 733-75l. WRIGHT, N. A. and P. L. Williams (1974). Mineral resources in Ant– arctic. U. S. Geological Survey Circular, N9 705.