Desarrollo de la Antártica

EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA lll. BIOMASS (Biological Investigation oí Marine tA.ntaretie Systems and Stoeks) . The objetives of newly proposed BIOMASS programs are i) to provide data and information for the conservation and wise management of the living resourees of the Southern Oeean, and to improve our understanding of the complfx eeosystem on which tibe resonrees de– pend, and to understand the flow of energy through the system. Certainly the nlOMASS programs are related to the reeent serious in– terest in the marine living resourees in the Antaretie Oeean. lS'peeific aetivities proposed for bi,ologicaI research vesseIs ¡nelude observations of key proeesses, at times and plaees at present poorIy sampled, and wide-ra,nging surveys using aeoustie and other instru, ments. The principal role of shore stations rwill be to provide infor– matíon on the near-shore ecosystem, induding long time-series of year-round observations at fixed positions. 11\:CKNOWLEDGEMlENT The reporter wishes to express his gratitudes to Jl'rofessor F. Orrego Vicuña of tihe Institute of International Studies of Chile for giving an oecasion to the reporter to revíew and summarize Antaretie scientifie researehes of all disciplines, since other-wise such synthetic studies on the whole Antarctic scienees may be hardly possible for him. In the course of reviewing various results of the past AntaretÍc scientific researehes, the reporter muro owed to the scientific staffs of t:he National Institute of ¡Polar Researeh, Japan. Without their help, this eompilation work would not be possible for him. Tihese staffs are Professors T. Matsu a and T. Hoshiai for biology, Pro– fessor Y. Yoshída for geology and geomorphology, Dr. S. Kawaguehi for meteorology, Dr. S. Mae for glaciology, Dr. IT. Hirasawa for upper atmosphere physics and !Dr. K. Kaminuma for solid earth geophysics. The reporter's thanks are due to them. The reporter's thanks are also due to Miss 1M. Na:kada who assísted him in arranging all se'en tifie data, drawing illustrations and preparing the typeseripts throughout the whole eourse of this compilaríon work.