Desarrollo de la Antártica
Tahesi Nagata / THE ADV¡\NCEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ., • for the present HF-radio system, an appropriate selections must be made for the satellite-telecommunicated scientific data. d) Exohange 01 Scientísts among Antarctic Stations vVithin the framework oí the Antarctic Treaty and voluniarily also, mutual exchanges of scientists among the Antarctic stations have been carded in effect up to date. Since exohanges 01 scientific informa– tion in situ among Antarctic specialists of individual scÍences are ex– tremely important to accelerate the progress of Antarctic sdences, it will be hoped that more emphasis will be put on the exchange pro– gram of scientists 'Of a inrreased number among the Antarctic sta– tions and field parties on a more systematic planning. e) Special Intermational Sc!(:ntific Progmms in Antarctica l. POLEX-SOUTH PROGRAM The worldwíde international meteorological research programs, na– med '~Global Atmosp"1eric Research Program" (GARP) set up rhe GARP Polar Sub-Programs, in which a special program called Polar Experiment (POLEx) in the Arctic and Antarctic regions is pecifi– cally orÍented i) to identify and study,processes of particular impor– tance in the polar regions relating to' t·he improvement of weather prediction from general circulation models and ii) to develop a ba– sis for understanding the role of ice in dimate dynamics through; a) parameterization of sea ice dynamicsand related atmospheric and oceanic processes in dimate models and b) establishment of an appropriate information base for studíes of the role of sea ice and polar continental ice masses in climate change. POLEX in the Antarctic regíon is specifically called POLEX-SOUTH, and this program will be continued from theautumn of 1977 to nhe autumn of 1979. ii. IAGP (International Antarctíc Glaciological Project The U.IS. glaciologists group in cooperatíon with Australia, French aud Soviet glaciologists have been and are carrying in. effect an in– ternational glaciolo¡gical research project in East Antarctic plateau, named IAGP. The IAGP project comprises systematic ice-core drillings down to about 1,000 m, lhe precise measurements of ice sheet t:hick· ness in wide areas, etc., in order to derive a better dynamical and thermodynamical model of the Antarctic ice sheet. 12 9
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