Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESARROLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA over the Antarctic continent for individual scientific researches. The locations of key points may be different for dífferent researoh disci. plines. However, the severe Antarctic c1imate conditions do not al· ways allow us to build up "manned observatories" at appropriate locations in t'he deep interior 'Of Antarctica. A trial t'O s'Olve this difficult pr'Oblem is being tested at present at the "unmanned observatories" in Antarctica. At sorne Antarctic unmanned 'Observat'Ories, the observed scíentifíc data are telemete. red t'O their m'Other stati'Ons. At s'Ome 'Other unmanned 'Observatories, tlhe observed data are st'Ocked in the observatories f'Ora certain pe~ riod (from 3 m'Onths to one year) and th.ey are returned by t:he vi· sÍt'Ors from the m'Other statí'Ons with a regular time ínterval. In both cases, the 'Observati'On and rec'Ording machinery are automatically 'Operated during a certain perí'Od. Sínce the technol'Ogy f'Or maíntaíning these unmanned 'Observat'O· ries are in rapid progress, a number of the unmanned observat'Or.ies and the varíety 'Oi 'Observing disciplines will be consíderably expan– ded in the near future in Antarctica. c) Real-time Telecommunications of Antarctic Scientific Data t.') the World As mentioned in § 3 and 8, the mete'Or'Ol'Ogical and seism'Ological data 'Obtained at the Antarctic stati'Ons are being regularly telec'Ommuni– cated thr'Ough appr'Opriate channels to the respective central 'Organiza– ti'Ons l'Ocated 'Outside Antarctica. These data are currently utilized respectívely for compiling the w'Orld weather maps and the earth– quake f'Oei determinations 'On the basis 'Of the wOTld seismograph network. In 'Other w'Ords, the Antarctic netw'Orks f'Or mete'Or'Ology and seismology are n'Ow being 'Operated as an imp'Ortant part of the res· pective w'Orld 'Observati'On netw'Orks. At present, the telec'Ommunicati'Ons between the Antarctic stati'Ons and the 'Outside 'Ones are m'Ostly operated through the radi'O tele– communicatí'Ons 'Of the UHF bando Recently, the VHF radi'O telec'On,< municatí'On system between Antarctica and the 'Outside via telecom– munication satellites is in seri'Ous c'Onsiderati'On. Wihen the satellite c'Ommunication system is satisfact'Orily established in úhe future, the real-time telecommunications 'Of Antarctic scientific data to the 'Ot– iber c'Ontinents will bec'Ome possible. Then, urgent scientific dau 'Observed in iAntarctica can be received in real-time at 'Outside Ant– arctica for immediate use. As of c'Ourse the ec'Onorriical cost for such a satellite-telecommunication system is much more expensive than
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