Desarrollo de la Antártica
EL DESAlUtOLLO DE LA ANTÁRTICA into Antarct¡'e su't'face water, Antaretic circumpolar water and Ant– m'ctie biO'ttom water. As aIready described in § 4 (gIacioIogy), the prevailing wind is the east wind in the south (nearer the sea coast) oC the Antarctic divergence Hne (where the upwell of sea water takes place) and is t'he west one in Íts nordh. As illustrated in Fig. 10, therefore, the direction of surface water currents is westward in the inside of Aat– arctic divergence, whereas it is eastwards in the outside. Tbe west– wind drift surface current in the outside of Antarctic divergence line extends beyond the Antarctie c.orrtvergence line where the surface water comes downwards. (See Fig. 10). It has been observed that the comparatively coId sea water coming northwards from the Antarctic coast meets the comparativeIy warmer sea water mass coming from the north approximately on the Antarctic convergence Hne, where the Antarctic sll'face water currents Fig. 10 100
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