Desarrollo energético en América Latina y la economía mundial

Professor Abbas Alnasrawi I ENERGY AND THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Total Developing Countries WorId Total Share of Developing Countries ('lo) Share of Non·oPEe Developing Countries ('lo) 481.40 73.60 57.20 6.30 6.70 NOTES: R = Estimated proved crude oil reserves as of january 1, 1978 in billions of barreIs. P = 1977 production in thousands barreis per day. RfP = Ratio of Reserves to AnnuaI Production. Sources: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Enero Neeás, Uses ond Resotlrces in DelJelopin, Counties (March 1978); OPEC, Summary 01 Ol'EO Sta/¡s/Í&•• 1977; IlP, BP S/a/is¡ical Review 01 11•• Worlá Oil [nduslry 1977. Table 5 ESTIMATED ULTIMATE CONVENTIONAL WORLD CRUDE OIL RESOURCES BY REGlON (Billions of BarreIs) Region Nehring Hubberl North America 280- !l80 299 South America 120- 160 190 Westem Europe 50- 70 68 U. S. S. R./E. Europe 165- 225 472 Africa 120- 170 162 Middle East 860-1140 598 Asia-Oceanía 105- 155 96 Total 1700-2300 2000 Note: Included in the Hubbert estimat... 115 billion barreis oí additional future <fucovena. Saure••: R. Nehring, Gian/ Oil Fields and World Oil Resollc", (Rand. 1978), M. King Itubbert, "World on and Natural Gas Reserves and Rcsources". Congre5$ional Research Service, I'rojeel ¡nleráependonee: U.S. and World Energy Olltlook Thron¡¡h 1990. (Washington 1917), pp. 633-644. 51