Desarrollo energético en América Latina y la economía mundial
DESARROLLO ENERGÉTICO EN AMÉRICA LATINA y LA ECONOMÍA MUNDIAL Table 1. ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND GDP-SELECTED AREAS·1973 Far Latin Deve- AfTicao East b America c DeveloPing d loped 1. Total energy consumption per capita (toe) 0.43 0.32 1.00 0.48 4.22 2. Di! cOllsumption per capita 0.09 0.08 0.50 0.13 1.95 3. Index (developed 100) 10 8 24 11 100 4. GDP per capita 1973 US dollars (market) 265 147 825 311 3,495 5. Index (developed = 100) 8 4 24 9 100 6. "Real" GDP per capita (Kravis) 1970 US dollars 412 384 1,191 520 3,343 7. Index (developed 100) 12 11 36 16 100 8. Energy consumption per million dollars GDP (based on NQ 3, in toe) 1.635 2,199 1,217 1.543 1.209 9. Index (developed :=.: 100) 135 182 101 128 100 10. Energy consumption per millíon dollars GDP (based on NQ 5 in toe) 1,054 839 841 916 1,263 ll. Index (developed 100) 83 66 67 73 100 12. Average efficiency oi fuel supply (%) 24 30 38 35 50 13. Energy cOllsumption per capita adjusted (toe) (1 adjusted by ll) 0.11 0.10 0.38 0.17 2.U 14. Energy consumption adjusted per mn dollars real GDP (12-5 in toe) 255 251 319 321 631 15. Index (developed countries 100) 40 40 51 51 100 Source: Energy COllsumptiOll data bascd on J. Parikh "Energy and Development" (World Bank). OD!' data based on 1. Kmvis ot al. "Real GDP Per Capita for More Than 100 Countri..... (Economic Journal 88 June 1978). aExclude. S. A(ríca. 1>Excludes Japan. elncludes S. America and Caribbean America. dlncludes Arríea, Far Ea,t, Latin America, centrally planned Asia and Mid East. elncludes N. Aroerica, Europe, USSR, Australia, SoutÍl Aromca, and Japan. 20
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