Desarrollo energético en América Latina y la economía mundial

E/rain Friedmann I WORLD BANK LENDING FOR RYDROCARBONS: A... Bangladesh, Tunisia, Turkey, India, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ecuador, Argentina and Pakistan. AH in aH, we are more or less in line with a projected objective of reaching a level of some $ 1,230 billion of lending per Vear by FY83 in some 40 difíerent type of projects (surveys 10, exploratory drilling 19, production 11). The FY80-81 targets of about $ 600 milIion per year 100k at this time within reach in view of the status of these projects. Lending Program in Latín America. Our program in LAC started rather late as in the beginning most of our emphasis was in the poorer countries oE Asia and AEriea. It covers two main types oí sÍtuations or countries. There is a first group of countries, including the majority of the medium and larger ones, where there are well established national oil companies. Many of these have at times had the exclusive rights to explore and develop hydroearbons and have aequired significant tech– nieal and organizational capabilities. More recentIy, under much increased pressures for accelerated exploration, most of them have seen the need and have been suecessfuI in attracting participation of fo– reign companies in these eHorts. The role oí the Bank in this first group couId be: a) To provide financial assistance to NOCS for surveys, exploratory drilling, appraisal of discoveries, enhanced recovery, rehabilitation of oi! fieIds, etc. b) To help attract foreing oi! companies under terms which are faÍI to the country. This is not aIways easy as many countries are handi· capped by a poor record regarding their treatment oí foreign prívate investment, particularly in oi! activities. c) To help in developing a domestic private oi! industry capability . for exploration and development. Only when countries in Latín America have the large amount of skilIed and entrepreneurial indio viduals which are so common in the US will their full potential for oH/gas production be adequately pursued. Indications that this aim is not unrealistic are· already clear in Argentina. ~67