Desarrollo energético en América Latina y la economía mundial
DESARROLLO ENERGÉTICO EN AMÉRICA LATINA y LA ECO!'iOMÍA MUNDIAL of just over 30 staff-half of which are geologists or engineers. lt is inserted in a newly created Encl'gy Department which handles and coordinates other matters, i.e., assist for Energy Planning, Programs in New Energies, Poliey and Quality Control of Power and Coal projeets, etc. So far, six oÍl and gas loans have been approved by the Board to: a) India (oil and gas offshore development, 140,000 bid oil, 2.2 mi. Ilion c. meten of gas: Ln. $ 150M; Project Cost $ 570M) ; b) Pakistan (expansion of production Toot oil fieId, seismic surveys Dhodak, training: Ln. $ 30M; Projett Cost $ 70M); e) Thailand 1 engineering loan (to prepare large offshore gas pro– jeet: Ln. $ 4.9M A follow-up projeet Trailand II is going to the Board of the Bank December ll, 1979. ($ 107M; Projeet Cost $ 665M plus investments by Union Oil of about $ 350M and Texas Padfic of about $ 300M) . It will be the first one to involve major investments by foreign oi! companies in non-OPEC gas development; d) Turkey engineering ($ 2.5 million LO evaluate possible enhanced recovery techniques for Bati Raman, a one billion barrel resource with maximum recovery using water injection of 7%. CO 2 and team injectionare being considered) ; . e) Zaire ($ 5M, IFe. Project Cost $ 33M a secondary recovery, water injection project) . 'f) Egypt 1 ($ 75M gathering, transporting gas being flared from GuIf oE Suez to Cairo. Project Cost $ 167 million) . 1n addition, the Bank is currently active in various stages of nearly 30 projects oE which about 14 are in predevelopment (indudiiIg three which involve drilling) and 16 in development. The first group includes Madagascar, Bolivia"', Congo, Morocco·, Liberia, Colombia"', Tanzania, Mali, Mauritania, Somalia, Honduras and several other Caribbean countries. The second group includes Chad, Egypt, Syria, Peru, Thailand, ·Exploratory drilling is involved. , 166
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