Desarrollo energético en América Latina y la economía mundial
DESARROLLO ENERGÉTICO EN AMÉRICA LATINA y LA ECONOMÍA MUNDIAL 1) To provide, within the context of the Bank's overall economic and lending activities, technical assistance for improved Energy poli– des, programs and, most importantly, National Energy planning to some 60 LDCS, at an average rate of 15 countries per year. This target will be fulfilled for FY80 and may be surpassed in future. It ineludes lending for such activitíes as: a) Establishing appropriate polítical and technical organizatíons to carry out coordinated National Energy Planing¡ b) Setting up an appropriate energy data base on resources, pro– duction, consumption, prices, etc.; e) Training in techniques for energy demand forecasting and mana– gement; d) Same for techniques to analyze optímization of supply/transpor. tation, transportatíon/utilizatíon systems¡ e) Carryíng out surveys oI specific, prevíously neglected, energy sour– ces, Le., coa!, geothermal, biomass, smalI hydro, etc. f) Improving Energy pricing policies and many others. 2) To assíst countries in accelerating the exploratíon of their oH and gas potential. In a few countries this might be done by lending to properly qualified national oil companies. 3) In the majority of countries, the aboye avenue is not open because the countries lack the necessary expertise or the financial strength to carry the risks of exploratory drilling. For these, the hasic approach it to provide small grants or loans to create the mínimal eonditions needed to attract the risk capital and expertise of the ínter· national oil industry. These eonditions inelude: a) Drawing up suitable petroleum legislatíon to clearly define the rules of the game; b) Colleet and organize data from past exploratory efforts and, if needed, supplement it with additional surveys to enhance or at least elarify the prospectiveness of the acreage. 164
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