Desarrollo energético en América Latina y la economía mundial

Table 2 U.S. TOTAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION, GNP, AND GNP/CAPITA Entrg'! Consumption (EC) GNP' Population • EC/Capita' GNP/Capita, EC/GNp· DOEt DOE' DOE' $ billion (1972) millian mil/ion BtulCapita I/Capita 1000 Bt"/I •..•...........••••.• lO" ........•.....••. 1971 68.348 1l07.5 207.053 330.10 5348.9 61.714 1972 7l.643r 71.609 1171.1 208.846 342.88 5607.5 6Ll84 1973 74.620r 74.555 1235.0 210.410 254.33 5869.5 60.411 1974 72.736r 72.668 1217.8 211.901 342.93 5747.0 59.723 1975 70.678r 70.576 1202.3 213.540 330.50 5629.4 58.782 1976 74.413r 74.065 74.381 1271.0 215.118 334.30 5925.6 58.544 1977 76.299r 75.901 1332.7 216.817 351.69' 350.07 3 6167.9 57.216' Eí6.953 3 1978 77.672p 1385.1p 218.502 355.48' 6339.1 56.608 ' r = revised. p '" preliroinary '00E, Monthly Energy Review, Febru.ry, 1979. "DOY., Energy nata Reports, Petroleunl Statement, Annual, 1975 (issued 1/31/78)• •OOE, Energy nata Report., Weekly Coa! Report Nc 34, May 26, 1978. ·U. S. nept. oC Commerce, Survey oC Current Business, Monthly. Annua! data: 1978 in January 1979; 1975, 1976, and 1977 in Sept.mber 1978; 1914 in July 1977; and 1973 in July 1976; "The National lncome and Product Accounts of the United Stalcs, 1929·74 Statistica! Tables". Annua! data: 1971 and 1972. ·U.S. Bureau 01 tb. Census, PopuJation E~t¡mates and Projections, "E.timales or the PopuJation oí the United States to June 1, 1978", S¿,ies P-25, N- 736, October 1978 far 1977 and 1978 data; and "Statístical Abstrae! ol the United States", Annual, 19i6 and 1977 editlons.