Desarrollo energético en América Latina y la economía mundial
Frank F. Zarb I ENERGY PRonLEMb OF THE UNITED STATES ANO••• I began this talk with an obvious statement -the world is running out of oil and gas. It is that conc1usion that should be the overriding one to bind us together wíth a common interest. When reserves are so low that the worId has effectiveIy exhausted its oil and gas, it will matter not if you were importer or exporter, east or west - north or south, developing or developed. New forms of energy will be needed by all nations to properly filI the needs of their people. It seems to me that this is time to join the gIobe to solve a problem no natíon will ultimately avoid. Perhaps it is time for an lnternational Energy Research and Development Agency, a world-wide elfort which will not recognize politieal bounds, but will be dedicated to the development of new energy sources which are safe and economical to help provide a better life for all of the people of the world. 1 am speaking not of just one more international bureaueracy but a subs– tantive operating organization with a real commÍtment to progress. Well that brings me to my 15th and last truth. Truth N9 15. The people of the United States have the will, the creativity, the drive and the ingenuity; the US economy has the financial and technical resources to respond to the energy challenges which are sure to come. 1 hope that this is one issue which all oI man– kind can 8ee as a common need so it may be one basis on wich we can join hands to get the job done. If we fail, the children of our grand– children will pay the price. Table 1 ENERGY GROWTH PER UNIT OF REAL GNP GROWTH (1) (2) Average Annual Average Annual PeTiod % Change in Energy % Change in GNP (1) + (2) % % 1950-60 2.79 3.28 .85 1960-70 4.10 3.85 l.O5 1968-73 3.85 3.26 1.20 1968-78 2.32 2.79 .85 1970-78 1.82 3.22 .55 1974·78 1.66 3.27 ..50 1976-78 2.17 4.39 ..50 Source: Data from Tablc 1 Calculation. by Washington Anal}'$ÍlI CorporatiQn. 119
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