Panorama de la política mundial

Vlctar Nieme'yer fr. I Los ESTADOS UNIDOS FRENTE A SU TERCER SIGLO aún podemos lograr gr,andes avances. Seguimos siendo una inspiración para el resto ,del mundo. Nuestro sistema de gobierno continúa siendo el más noble experimento jamás emprendido por el hombre. Tene– mos gran vitalidad económica y una sociedad dinámica. Cómo emplea– mos nuestros haberes depende de nosotros. Quizás éste sea el momen– to de leer de nuevo nuestra Declaración de Independencia y remo– ver el conmovedor juramento hecho por ]effersO'l1I al concluir este do– cumento inmortal, esta vez dedicándonos al futuro con "nuestras vi– das, nuestras fortunas y nuestro sagrado honor". BlBLlOGRAHA CONSULTADA Brerezinski, Zbigniew. "America in a Hostilc World", Fai'cign Palie)'. N0 2:'1, 19i6. "Bo1l' Life WiIl Change fol' Americans in Y>cars Ahearl. U. S. News and World RejJort. January 12, 1976. Kissinger, Henry A. "Constanc)' and Strength in U. S. :Foreign Policy" Address belore lhe American Legion Naiíonal Convention, Miami, Florida, August 20, 1974. News Helease, Bnrean of Publíc Affairs, Office of Media Servic.cs, Depart– mcnt of State, August 20, 19í4. Intcrview wíth Bill Moyers for "BH Moyers' journaJ: Internalional Report, "Publíc Broadcasling Service. l'he: Seci1!l>/ary of Slate. Bureau of Public Affairs. Office of Media Services, Depm'ímellt ot Slate, ,January 16, 1975. "The ChaIlengc of Peace". Address befare the St. Louis 'Vorld Affairs COlill– cil, May 12, 1975. Tile Secr<!tary of State. Hurcau of Public Afhirs, Office oI 'Me Idía Services, Department of State, May 12, J 975. "The Imperative of Growtb amI Cooperation". Address befare lhe Ministerial Counól of the Organizatíon for Economic Coaperatian ancl Developmcnt, Paris, Frallce, May, 28, 1975. 1'III'J. Secretal)' of State. Bureau of Pllblíc Affairs, Officc of Media Serviccs. Department of State, May 28, 1975. "Building an Enduring Farcign Poliey: Creative Leadership in a Moment ol Uncertainty. Filal Speeches of lhe Da)'. Vol. XXXXIT, NQ 6. January 1, 1976. pp. 166·172. "America's Destiny: Tlle Global Context". The Departll1ent DI State Bulletin. Vol. LXXIV, NI? 1914. March 1, J9i6, pp. 249-256. Speech oI HelliTy A. Kissinger to CENTO R<eprescntatives, London. May 26, 1976. USIA Wi1'eless File ARF 68, May 26, 1976. Rusk, Dean. "The American Revolution and lile Futurc", in Ameríca's Con– timdng Revolution, pp. 369·381. New York: Anchor Books. 1976. "Were on Ou1' vVay to a Racial Showdown". U. S. Netos and World Re,jJort. Fcbruary 2, 1976. Repart to the P¡'esidel1t by the National Commission for tlle Obsemance 01 Wo1'ld Population Y,~1·. Departll1en.t of Health, Education, and W-elfare Publi– catian N? 75·50016, June, 19i5.