Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio
Wemcr Guldimalln / FREEDON AND OR CONTROL IN JNl'ERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION \Vhile some degree of control and tonstraint with regard to mar– ket entry, capacity and tariffs is necessary, competition should re– main pÜ'ssible and remunerative. 5.1. Instruments 01 control The regulatory machinery should provide a co-ordinated framework for aH categOTies of serviées and carriers. \Vherea¡s bilateral agreements b,etween governments wjJ! conti:– nue to form the main part of the system, the basic principIes ,should be fixed in a multilateral framework. ,Self-regulatory activities of the industry witll regard to tariff and capacity control should be encouraged, subject to genéta! ohjectives aml gover).1m¡ent approval. ", '. 5.5..' G01Jemments and carriers Governments should not permit their respecti'Ve national carriers to jeorpardize long-term IObjeetiives by striv:ng (01' short-term advan– tages (sueh as, e.g., taríff deviations or special arrangements). Governments should eontinue to provide their respective national carriers witih a fair share of t!he markct, hut they should at the same time take care tJhat carri~rs operate in a competitive spirit ,and address their competitive efforts at least as much to improvirig4e.~ quality 'Of theirproduct as to furth~r quantitative growth ahd fur– ther expansioh of their activities.
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