Problemas contemporáneos de la actividad aeronáutica y del espacio
PROBLEMAS CONTEMPORÁNEOS DE LA ACTlvlDAD AERONÁUTICA y DEL ESPACIO result from tariff deviations 01' frOffi speciaI arrangements with o~r carriers) . - Governments should of cOurse continue to make sure that their respective carri,ers get a Jaír share of the international market, but they should at the same time beware of giving too much protec– tion. Mor¡eover, tihey should talke care tillat their respective carríers operate in a competitive spirit and concentrate tihe competitive ef– forts on improvements in quality r-ather than in ,quantity onIy. 5. SUMMARY mESES 5.1. Objecttve The international regulatory syst·em should achi¡eve a situation in which international carriers can compete and through economically effident operation successfully satisfy the various needs of tra-v.ellers and shippers for safe, economical and conveníent transportatíon, real1zingi economic viability 'flOr the international aviation indus– try as a wholi'!. Tille system should be sta,bel enough to permit reasonable plan– níng, wrhile being sufficientIy flexible to adapt smoothly to any ma– jor dhange in i'ts environment. 5.2. SysfJem plannling To reach the objective, the approaoh should be one of a resolute sy~ tem planning, taking into particular account: the national interest of individual countries, requiring an appro– priate participation and activity of ,tlw respective nationaI carriers, the basic unity of the air transport and the air transport industry as a whole, which does not ¡permit to reguIate any one sec– tor without duly taking into account dhe other sectors, - fJhe objective of achieving self-supporting economic viability not only for the carders, but for airports and air traffic sevv,ices as w¡eIl, - the objective of maintaining a viable, competitive and efficient aírcraft manufacturing industry, - the ecological aspects, ínter alia with r¡egard to fueI consumption and noise pollution. 53. Freedom and control The ,basic objective can be achieved neither by 'llnfettered competi~ tion and ,'aib6oIute freedom nor by excessive protectionism.
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